AVICO launches it’s ACE offer


Beyond the current health constraints and many uncertainties related to the Covid-19 Pandemic, they are nowadays the main obstacle to travel planning.  Will international borders be open, will shutdown be activated and will flights be sustained according to bookings ? In order to overcome these unpredictable risks AVICO is implementing it’s ACE offer.

With this specific offer, travel operators will be able to resume planning ahead events without taking any financial risks in airline travel, as cancelling charter operations without any fees is now made possible.

This allows you to anticipate recovery of the business, without waiting for «The day after» to safely plan your up coming trips .

What are the obstacles to the resumption of activity for the actors of tourism and events?

Nowadays, health protocols defined by states, administrations, providers and customers hinder travel and ambitious events.

As of tomorrow the first obstacle is uncertainty. Uncertainty has now become our standard everyday way of life, with swift and constant evolution of sanitary conditions and regulations that are also unpredictable. Can conditions be anticipated for events planned in 6 or 12 months in such a context ? Can one take safe commitments and go ahead planning trips ?


Uncertainty is not a fatality. Our ambition is to participate in the restart of travelling by changing the rules.

Our businesses can no longer remain in anxiety , uncertainty , struggling with both low activity and the risk of cancellation fees relevant to up coming operations. In order to rule out this equation from airline travel, and to enable the revival of our industry AVICO has now created it’s ACE offer « Airborne Cooperation Enhancement »

AVICO has held discussions with it’s partner Airliners to offer as from today revised contractual conditions relevant to all charter operations scheduled before the 30th of June 2021 to the benefit of all it’s clients. This will subsequently allow enhanced and maximum flexibility related directly to Covid-19 cancellation or related to one of its collateral effects. Travel operators will be able to retrieve business opportunities.


  • From signature of contract until 15 days prior to operation there will be no cancellation fees as long as trip cancellation is directly or not related to Covid-19 ( administrative constraints or in case the number of minimum participants is not reached )


  • Between 15 days prior to departure until the date of flight, shall revised administrative or sanitary conditions be implemented  preventing the trip to take place as planned beforehand and the client has to consequently cancel operations ( revised local or national rules denying access or restraining travel, closure or restrictions at destination, clusters detected amongst participants…) Cancellations fees will be strictly limited to Airline direct expenditure charges ( Overflight or Landing permits  and non-refundable sub-contracting company charges ).


Through this initiative, we hope to help the entire industry to review charter operations as a flexible and effective tool, essential for making unforgettable journeys. For more information contact our teams directly.

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